Tuesday, September 29, 2009


While watching this classic the use of strings was used frequently. The way in which these strings that are used are unlike anything else we have seen in previous films. Strings were commonly used to symbolize love, light, or the female characters in a film. In Psycho, the strings are used in a harsh, almost unpleasant way. The sound is uneven, not constant.

This black and white film was one of the first films to not use the classic hollywood standards for music. I would consider the film Psycho film noir. The use of shadows to convey the killer and the use of light go portray the victum also is classic film noir.

This film has an interesting leitmotif that is unlike any other music that was have seen in a film. It is a harsh sound played by the strings. It is uneven, but remains constant throughout the movie. We would see this suspense filled lietmotif whenever the audience was left guessing about something or unsure of what was going to happen next. This use of hte leitmotif added to the suspense of the movie.

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