Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Sting

Music during the opening credits are clues to the leitmotifs and main themes of the music throughout the entire film. This is why I was a little confused when hearing the music in the opening credits for the first time. When I thought of the title "The Sting," I thought of the words bite, Peirce, hurt, thrust, or wound. Before viewing the film I thought that the music would be like that of "Psycho," piercing, unpleasant, and almost hurtful to your ears. This explained my confusion when hearing upbeat music from the early 1900's.
The music was upbeat, playful, and cheerful, similar to that of the music in silent films. Though the music did not seem to go with the title of the film it went fit in with the plot of the film. Con artists living the life they wanted while setting up a big.
The music was also used very sporadically throughout the film. It would stop as unexpectedly as it started. Overall I thought that when viewing the film as a whole, the music seemed to fit very well with the plot.

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